I’ll show you how to live on purpose and enjoy your life with the power of the Holy Spirit. You in?
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A more powerful life
Hello my Lovely Friends! Thank you so much for visiting! Here's a little about me. First and foremost I'm a Jesus follower and a mom to the most amazing girl and brand new lawyer. I'm a Certified Life Coach with The Life Coach School and am also certified as a Spirit Driven Success Life Coach with Courage Co.
It is my mission to see you transformed by the renewing of your mind through the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word. It is my privilege to help you discover and live out your God-given purposes, and to live the abundant and joyful life that Christ wants for you. Together we’ll overcome what’s been holding you back and step out with courage and faith.
Your Partner in Christ,
Sandee Sanderson
Educational Background: Bachelor's degree in Behavior Science and Master's degree in Cross Cultural teaching.